
BP, Atlantic sign off on Trinidad compressor project

August 26, 2016
   BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC and Atlantic LNG Co. of Trinidad and Tobago have approved the development of the Trinidad Onshore Compression (TROC) project.
  The project is designed to increase the production of BP’s low-pressure wells in the Columbus Basin by using an additional inlet compressor at the Point Fortin Atlantic LNG plant. Additional upgrades are also slated for BP’s upstream facilities and those of third parties to accommodate the compressor’s operations.
  Atlantic will oversee the project, which is 100% funded and owned by BP Trinidad and Tobago. Atlantic will also handle the majority of the construction, with the mechanical completion and commissioning of the TROC compressor following in coming months. When completed in early 2017, the TROC project will have the potential to deliver 200 MMcfd (5.6 X 106 m3/d) of natural gas.